At Trustnet.Trade you pay only what you actually need. We have prepared 3 packages for you.
You need more business partners or less own companies? Adjust the number with one click, the price will be recalculated automatically:
Sanctions Lists Check
KYB Business Partner Check
Supply Chain Compliance
How many user licenses do you need?
Audit and monitor your own companies
- KYB vetting of my company(ies).
- Own update of ownership hierarchy and beneficial owners for my companies to provide up-to-date data to my business partners.
- One Trustnet.Trade widget for the website of each of my companies.
The maximum in this package is 100 own companies. We will be happy to provide you with an individual offer!
How many business partners (companies) do you plan to check per year?
- Identification of my business partner.
- Identification of the available ownership structure and all known beneficial owners (UBO).
- Vetting my business partners and all companies in the ownership structure of all known ultimate beneficial owners (UBO) for sanctions, embargoes, AMS and PEP.
- Automated monitoring function.
- Audit-proof documentation.
The maximum in this package is 5.500 business partners. We will be happy to provide you with an individual offer!
- Checking my employees, applicants and freelancers for sanctions
- Check the companies that I have not listed as my business partners for sanctions (no ownership hierarchy and not for known beneficial owners, this is optional under KYB).
- Automated monitoring function.
- Audit-proof documentation.
The maximum in this package is 10.000 screenings. We will be happy to provide you with an individual offer!
- EU-Sanctions
- US-Sanctions
- Other Regions Sanctions
- NS – Insolvency: info
- RRE – Reputational Risk Exposure: info
- POI – Profile Of Interest: info
- REL – Regulatory Enforcement List: info
- DD – Disqualified Director: info
- PEP – Politically Exposed Person: info
- ASA – AMS Sanctions: info
- IFI – Ineligible Firms and Individuals of World Bank
- Trustnet.Trade risk analysis for all my business partners.
- Trustnet.Trade country risk analysis and crisis alerts.
- Automated self-disclosure questionnaires from Trustnet.Trade for my business partners.
- Management of generic and specific risks as well as incidents and violations.
- Trustnet.Trade recommended actions for each identified risk.
- Step-by-step checklist for the implementation of the Supply chain due diligence act requirements.
- Reporting system (BAFA).
- Audit-proof documentation.
Book* on-site supplier check with our local experts:
- On-Site Supplier checks (my business partner will be audited by local experts and visited on-site).
- Trustnet.Trade Social Due Dilligence Standards.
* additional charges
Trustnet.Trade® Whistleblowing Module
incl. VAT
charged annually
charged monthly
incl. 0% VAT
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